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True hourly pay calculator

Find out the true hourly rate of pay for one of your homecare runs once unpaid travel and waiting time has been taken into account. This tool has been developed by homecare workers, for homecare workers. To work this out on your own is complex and time-consuming.

Complete the form below to find out the true hourly rate of pay for one of your homecare runs

The information submitted below will be processed by Homecare Workers' Group C.I.C in line with GDPR regulations. Information will not be shared with third parties, unless we obtain your written consent to do so.

What are you paid for?
Contact time only (the time you spend with clients)
Contact time and travel time
Contact time, travel time and waiting time of up to 30 minutes
I am paid by the shift - from the start of the first visit to the end of the last one
I'm not sure
Visit 1 start time
Visit 1 end time
Visit 2 start time
Visit 2 end time
Visit 3 start time
Visit 3 end time
Visit 4 start time
Visit 4 end time
Visit 5 start time
Visit 5 end time
Visit 6 start time
Visit 6 end time
Visit 7 start time
Visit 7 end time
Visit 8 start time
Visit 8 end time
Visit 9 start time
Visit 9 end time
Visit 10 start time
Visit 10 end time
The information provided via the True Hourly Pay calculator does not constitute formal legal advice, but aims to offer transparent information which may act as a starting point for further enquiry.
To understand whether you have been illegally paid below the National Minimum Wage as a result of unpaid working time, you must apply this calculation to every run in a given pay period, and establish the average rate of pay across all of these runs.
If your employer has not acted to top up your pay for the period in question so that it meets the National Minimum Wage, this indicates you may have been illegally underpaid.

Contact ACAS for further advice. If you are a member of a trade union like Unison or GMB, contact them for further advice.  A good starting point is to have a conversation with your employer about their practices around pay, though if you are employed via a zero-hours contract or hold a Health & Care Worker visa, it is advisable to do this alongside the support of a trade union.

Homecare Workers' Group C.I.C

Ingenuity Centre, University Of Nottingham

Innovation Park

Triumph Road




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